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Marilyn F. Moriarty is the author of a textbook on scientific writing, Writing Science through Critical Thinking, and the nonfiction book, Moses Unchained, which won the Associated Writing Program’s creative nonfiction contest. Her essays have been published in The Antioch Review, The Chattahoochee Review, Creative Nonfiction, Dappled Things, The Kenyon Review, Raritan, River Teeth, and other print and online journals. She has won several writing contests, among them the 2014 Faulkner-Wisdom Gold Medal for the essay. Three essays have been named “Notable” from the editors of The Best American Essays series. She is a professor of English and Creative Writing at Hollins University in Roanoke, Virginia. Her essay "Bone Lab" is forthcoming in the Orison Press anthology of the Best Spiritual Literature of 2024. Her memoir will be published by the North Georgia University Press in 2026.